Here’s another sicko who vandalized the memorial of a raped and killed woman:


People wrote: “To vandalise a memorial to a victim is a truly evil thing to do. You do not seem to have any remorse, and seem to be proud of what you did.” 

“Sick bastard,” another person wrote.










What did Mimili Police do when somebody tell them about Matt Green chucking Gayle’s memorial in the bush 500m?







Matt Green & Rick Persse: Like Pissing on Gayle Woodford’s Grave, Except Worse.

Gayle Woodford the murdered outback nurse

had a beautiful memorial at Fregon.

This is it before Matt Green destroyed it:

Matt dragged it over 500m into the scrub and scattered it so no-one would find it.

Then Matt lied about what happened, to community, to teachers, to other principals and to his boss.

SA Department for Education employees must learn the best way to make information public.

When the Department for Education silences you and the media ignores your story in order to protect their friends in the government, it’s time to self-publish and let the world know what’s really going on.

Some of the whistle blowers who helped with these blogs were hopeful they could actually be a meaningful start to change.

A way for victims to speak up and start a Department for Education workplace revolution.

People could find their voices, stand together in solidarity, unionize and teach the world that not only have so many of us been through some form of workplace bullying or retaliation, but that if we were loud and vocal about it, that employment-abusers like Paul Newman might think twice before creating another victim.

The cynical ones of us could see that it was going to be manipulated by those in power, and it wouldn’t be long before it was twisted and abused itself.

Instead of creating a group of survivors and warriors, for now it has created a new divide between Rick Persse in his Ivory Tower and his lawyers ready to threaten anyone who speaks up, and educators, AEWs and community members on the APY Lands.

Which is exactly what Rick Persse and his slimy underlings like Mark Ames have done.

A large number of employees who have genuinely experienced power imbalances spoke up and added their time and support to these blogs.

We wanted to let parents know that if they put their kids in certain schools, that they needed to be very careful.

They needed to be careful because what can happen is that those kids could be secretly recorded by Nicholas Papadopoulos and those recordings may be given to who knows!

They needed to be careful because their kids’ teachers may be being bullied and harassed by the Paul Newmans and Mark Ames of this world and that would have a negative impact on their kids’ education and future.

(Then the threats came, for the second time)

What did Rick Persse do in reply to that?

He provided counselling for the bullies and threatened the victims and those who exposed his leadership doing terrible terrible things, with the Police:

“Hi All

Earlier this year a number of anonymous WordPress blogs emerged in respect of education on the APY Lands. The Department offered and/or provided support to the employees who were the targets of these highly offensive blogs and took steps in an effort to have the material removed.

On Thursday 1 November 2018 certain employees received an email from an anonymous source which contained links to more anonymous WordPress blogs. These blogs contain highly offensive and potentially defamatory comment targeted at Mr Matt Green amongst other Departmental employees. The WordPress blogs are currently subject to an investigation by South Australia Police in an effort to have this material removed. You are directed to delete the email, not forward the email and not follow the links provided.

The Department acknowledges the serious and concerning nature of the content of all of the blogs and the significant and negative effects they could have on the targeted employees and their colleagues. If this is concerning you, please seek assistance as required from Converge International who operate the Employee Assistance Program on 1300 687 327. Converge International has been briefed on the background of the WordPress blogs and has assigned designated contacts to support you. Counselling is independent, confidential, and can be accessed by phone, skype or face to face.

Please be assured that all possible action is being taken by Rick Persse, Chief Executive to address this matter.

Please contact Belinda Lynch, Consultant Ethical Conduct Unit, directly should you have any queries. Belinda is available on t (08) 8226 5626| e Belinda.lynch2@sa.gov.au”

Congratulations for Rick Persse.

He really is the most pathetic Chief Executive in South Australian history.

We are not worried about defamation and being sued.

Everything on these blogs is true and truth is a defence to defamation we are told.

We welcome being sued for defamation by Mr Persse and Matt Green, Paul Newman and Nick Papadopoulos.

Let’s see how your illegal and immoral behaviour does when exposed in open court.

The other thing that make us all laugh is Rick Persse’s threats.

Governments can’t sue for defamation, only individuals can we are told.

Nicholas Papadopoulos has already tried that and had an EPIC FAIL (see his lawyer’s letter on https://southaustraliaapylandsschools.wordpress.com) because he knows everything on his blog below is true.


And more is to come you hairy sleaze bag.

Paul Newman can’t sue for defamation because he is a coward.

He only bullies people when he is protected by people like Rick Persse.

Matt Green admitted destroying Gayle Woodford’s memorial. Rick Persse knows this.

Rick told Fregon Community that if Matt Green put the memorial back he could stay as principal.

Matt Green went on a free school excursion to Melbourne instead of fixing Gayle’s memorial.

What did Rick Persse do after that? Did he sack Matt Green?

No, he threatens the whistle blowers who expose this instead.

We knew it had long ago gotten to the point where we had to make a public statement on the Internet.

After we spoke up and made these blogs many other people contacted us, as well as dozens of people from metropolitan areas who had knowledge of the same kind of Department for Education employment-abuse.

In the current climate, people are screaming about what happened to them, but they’re not backing it up with going to the Employment Tribunal or to court.

This is problematic for several reasons.

Most importantly, if you genuinely feel that you’ve been wronged then you should be pissed off enough to also want some actual justice and see that person exposed in court.

And maybe get yourself a big payout as well!

If you think you’re not the only one, you should be helping out your fellow employees and getting those people legal help.

 You should be willing to say “this isn’t OK and I think the Department should pay for it” and not with just dollars.

Announcing it on the Internet should be a last resort, saved for when you’ve tried the Department route and couldn’t get anywhere, like happens with so many people.

The Internet was helpful in our case because it brought all the other victims forward — 14 of us, plus all the other witnesses.

We are all willing to speak to the courts if asked to be witnesses.

So many Department employees this last 2 years have also found their power in numbers.

Maybe only 2 or 3 people go to court against Paul Newman, but several of the other people employment-abused and career-raped by him will get to speak up too.

We all know Newman and Matt Green probably have heaps of people they’ve bullied.

What does the man responsible for the workplace culture in the Department for Education do when alerted to this Matt Green/Paul Newman/Nicholas Papadopoulos horror show?

He threatens legal cases against the accusers, hoping to shut down more coming forward.

Then he threatens them with the Police too.

To add insult to injury he tells everybody that the School Counsellor who secretly recorded kids and teachers, the Director who destroyed so many people’s careers, the Principal who trashed the memorial of a nurse who was raped and killed while working in the same community on the APY Lands, have been offered counselling by the Department, all paid for by the taxpayer.

Rick Persse, paid half a million dollars a year:

In our opinion you are an expensive embarrassment and a pathetic piece of shit.

Supporting Matt Green to do that to the Woodford family and their memory of beloved wife and mother Gayle….. and Paul Newman and Nicholas Papadopoulos is amazing.

You know they did those things but you don’t care.

You only care about more threats because whistle blowers made everything public.

Your own records would show what you knew and when you knew it.

You did nothing and let other people be injured.

We’ll say it again:

Rick Persse, paid half a million dollars a year:

In our opinion you are an expensive embarrassment and a pathetic piece of shit for threatening whistle blowers and protecting people like Matt Green.

Respecting Gayle’s Law means nothing to you but it means everything to us and to Gayle’s family.

If you are the kind of person Steven Marshall thinks should be in charge of the education of our young people then Steven Marshall must be the same kind of man.

The Department for Education is set up to protect powerful men and doesn’t give any protection to victims or Aboriginal people.

Which doesn’t mean victims shouldn’t speak up.

They absolutely should and we need to teach everyone that it’s OK to speak up and they should feel empowered to do so but we also need to teach people how to do it  properly.

How to do it the right way.

When all traditional methods are closed to you: when HR ignore your emails, when the Serious Misconduct Unit protects the perpetrators, when the media doesn’t publish a story to protect the editor’s friends in Government, when your work colleagues suddenly look the other way or forget what it was they were going to help you with, you can always turn to the Internet to get your story out there.

It’s time to hit the blogosphere!

You also don’t want to end up being the one out of work so make sure you talk to someone who knows how to protect your identity online.

So before you speak up on Facebook or a blog or to a journalist gather your facts.

Write down everything that happened to you and others.

Ask your friends to write down what they remember.

Then talk to a lawyer or sometimes the Police (eg when someone like Nick Papadopoulos secretly records kids in a school which is against the law). Make a statement.

Get it recorded by someone outside of the Department.

There may or may not be enough to press charges, but you’ve done the important part of going to a lawyer and then the Police.

Remember, the Department will want to silence you and make everything disappear.

Your job is to make sure that never happens.

Then, if it doesn’t go anywhere and you think they could be hurting others then it’s time to name and shame publicly.

Welcome to the Internet!

It’s irritating to us that people still can’t speak up without being slapped down by men such as Rick Persse, but we’re hopeful that one day it’ll change.

One day people will be able to seek justice and still be able to work. We’re not there yet.

We need to educate people like Rick Persse, change his way of thinking and change laws.

We need more balance. We need to make it so that bullies like Paul Newman aren’t the ones given our tax dollars when it is they who are doing the abusing.

Teach highly paid bureaucrats that more threats and more bullying is never going to win, it just makes you look stupid.

You need to grow up Mr Persse and Mr Ames.

Public exposure is a useful and powerful weapon.

Rick Persse’s reaction to these blogs shows how scared he really is.

We think Rick should be spending his time and our tax dollars on finding out the truth and protecting vulnerable kids instead of threatening women for telling the outside world what is really going on in APY Lands government schools under his watch.

Remember you are a public servant Rick, you should be serving the Fregon and APY public, not intimdating female whistle blowers.


Matt Green’s Fregon Disaster Part 2




Matt Green was caught trying to disposing of killed nurse Gayle Woodford’s memorial. He went out late at night to do it so no-one would see him.

Then he lied to other APY Lands principals about it. He said he moved the memorial because teachers were scared of it.

If that’s the truth Matt why did you sneak out in the dark to do it?


Here are some other things going on at Fregon school. The Education Department is trying to hide this from  everyone.

Protecting themselves is more important than protecting teachers, kids and AEWs:

No behavior management policy.

Heaps of critical incidents, nothing done.

Heaps of mandatory reports, nothing done.

Heaps of sexualized behavior and sexual teasing in classrooms and in the school, nothing done.

Matt Green not dealing with incidents, just ignoring them.

School is not a safe place to work for AEWs or teachers or kids, Community says so.

Teachers having nightmares, houses broken into, cars smashed, spied on while they shower at home.

Kids smashing the school, throwing rocks, petrol sniffing, throwing star pickets in school windows.

Older kids with criminal records working with young kids in the school.

AEWs being paid with food vouchers to avoid criminal history checks.

Matt Green’s response to troubled kids: “just chuck them out of class”.

Kids are physically restrained heaps, Police called in, Matt Green doing nothing, aggressively grabbing kids, pulling them.

Teachers being bullied, even a pregnant one by Matt Green.

Teachers who tried to help kids, getting moved on, bullied, retaliation, contracts not being renewed, causing too much trouble for Matt Green.

Education Department supporting Matt Green, not supporting teachers, not supporting kids, not supporting AEWs to feel safe at work.

Taking photos for your Facebook page is more important:

Matt Green refuses to employ leadership positions because “He’s the boss, there’s only one boss here”.

Trying to get AEWs down to zero in the school because he doesn’t like Community.

Treating kids like shit, shouting in their faces.

AEWs had a meeting to tell school they’re scared to go into school because kids not being managed properly, because Matt Green doesn’t care.

Everyone is sick of kids sexualized behavior. Someone is going to be hurt soon if nothing is done.

Mark Ames not helping, just supporting dangerous principal Matt Green same as Paul Newman used to do everytime.

Rick Persse doesn’t care either, only interested in supporting dangerous principal Matt Green.

Sally McEvoy (Paul Newman’s spy before her contract wasn’t renewed), telling teachers to go on Work Cover instead of fixing anything, telling kids to “stay away from school, school doesn’t want you here”.

Matt Green principal of Fregon tried to destroyed murdered nurse Gayle Woodford’s memorial.

Principal Matt Green’s Fregon Fuck Up

Another Paul Newman captain’s pick.

Community hates him and wants him out, but Rick Persse dropped in to save him.

Teachers are bullied, constantly threatened, living in fear and now everybody wants to leave.

Kids running amok in school and no AEWs working in the school because of him.

Matt even tried to remove threw away like garbage the memorial for killed nurse Gayle Woodford.

He sneaked out of his house late at night to do it. He was caught next day and was told to put it back (but he didn’t).

You cruel disgusting coward Matt Green how dare you do that to Gayle’s memory.

How could you do that to Gayle’s family?

We hope you have a good explanation for Gayle’s family because we told them what you did Matt.

Cutting down Community’s trees without permission.

Illegal hunting on Aboriginal land.

Telling kids they can’t speak their language at school.

Kids smoking weed during school but nothing happens to them. Putting teachers at risk but doesn’tcare.

Remember the time Mark Ames came to Fregon school and asked “Where is Matt?” Nobody knew because Matt regularly leaves the school and doesn’t tell anybody.

Just walking around Community doing nothing, sometimes going home during school time for a cup of tea.

No responsibility, no duty of care, no consequences.

Mark Ames just shrugs so nothing happens and nothing changes.

Matt’s a friend of Paul Newman whose “leaving party” he attended.

Matt has a long history from Amata of official complaints for being “too physical” with kids.

And Police investigation of him.

If you don’t believe us ask AEU.

Education Department don’t care about safety for them kids. He’s the same in Fregon.

Read the blog called “adingocalledgerald.wordpress.com” who complained about the same issue.

Department for Education still does nothing for Aboriginal kids safety.

Last term Matt went to a gala night for Indigenous kids art including some from Fregon.

He didn’t take any kids or family from Community down to Adelaide.

He took his wife who lives in Melbourne instead.

Matt Green: Take everything for yourself and fuck everybody else.